All-American Sports Recreation is the premier one-stop source for recreational sports in New York's Capital District area. Among other sports, All-American Sports Recreation offers the below two primary opportunities for recreation.

Men's Flag Football  

All-American Sports Recreation has provided men's flag football for over three decades. Over the years the league has changed, with many innovations, including some championship games being played in Giants Stadium and others being televised. It's one of the largest flag football leagues in the world and has had numerous national champions. In the past, local newspapers carried each week's standings and currently this website keeps it's players informed. There are full seasons in the Spring, Fall, and indoor in the Winter.

The league is run professionally in every respect, with lined fields and trained, uniformed officials.

Youth Flag Football

NFL FLAG is the premier youth football league for boys and girls ages 5-17. The program provides young players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in non-contact, continuous action while learning lessons in teamwork.

NFL FLAG gives youngsters the chance to be an official NFL player! Whether you're looking for a team or thinking about starting your own league, All-American Sports Recreation provides all the resources needed to get involved.

The following players are graduates of the Albany Youth Flag Football Program:
  • Dion Lewis, University of Pittsburgh
  • Ryan Smith, Record Setting Varsity Quarterback, Guilderland High School
  • Tymear Mallory, Record Setting Varsity Running Back, Bishop Maginn High School

  • Adult Softball

    All-American Sports Recreation has adult leagues for both men and co-ed play. For many years, the players have enjoyed:

  • Quality Fields
  • Full-Time Grounds Keeper
  • Full-Time Commissioner
  • Multiple Levels of Play Per League
  • Weekday & Weekend Leagues
  • Flexible Schedules
  • Trained Professional Umpires